John King Fairbank

  • 网络费正清;约翰·金·费尔班克;费正清教授;费尔班克;美国人费正清
John King FairbankJohn King Fairbank
  1. China studies in America begins with John King Fairbank .


  2. Taking the Chinese study of John King Fairbank as an example , this paper describes social stratification study in the perspective of social change .


  3. He also did post-doctoral research on China at the John King Fairbank Center at Harvard University in1979-1981 .


  4. John King Fairbank believed that such an institutional and cultural continuity might have generated a powerful inertia that adhered to the established rules .


  5. The late professor John king Fairbank of Harvard was a well-known scholar who devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and cultures .


  6. Bernstein , a student of Harvard 's John King Fairbank and a formerNew York Times reporter , covers China 's political context in 1945 like a scholar , but maintains his journalist 's eye for human drama .


  7. American scholar emphasize research paradigms , under the leadership of John King Fairbank of Harvard , the research experience generations to achieve a conversion from paradigm which the perspective of the western " Impact and Response " and " Tradition and the modern " to " China-Centered Approach " .
